
Seasonal  News


Magni-Lamb, Magni-Life & Magnify "Magic"

Key point : Great for cows that go down (Magni-Calf also works for this)

Story behind .... In May a very experienced farmer (in his 80's) kindly phoned to say he would have no hesitation endorsing Magni-Lamb. He had a cow that had been down for nearly a week in spite of 2 unsuccessful vet visits and $500 in vet bills. Putting her down seemed inevitable. Dave Taylor drenched roughly 120mls of Magni-Lamb into her and within 12 hours she was up and walking again (cost $5).

The farmer was planning on drenching his calves pre-sale and at weaning to keep them from going backwards at these important times. Another client’s calves got scours in Summer with all the lush feed in Canterbury. Drenching for worms achieved nothing. 50mls Magni-Lamb cleaned them up. We had great feedback from our Magni-Lamb and Magni-Calf clients last year.

Magni-Life vs fungicides

Key point : Magni-Life did as well as fungicides in fungus control

Story behind .... Last season in a farmer-run field trial, 3 applications of fungicide were replaced with 3 applications of Magni-Life. 16 ha out of 200 ha of barley had Magni-Life. There was no difference in disease pressure at harvest. Two years ago they trialled 3 litres Magni-Grow in place of the first fungicide on barley. There was significantly less disease on the Magni-Life treated barley by the time the second fungicide was due to be applied.

The advantage of Magni-Life over fungicide is it maintains beneficial fungi necessary for soil structure. In this light stoney riverbed country this is important for future crop yields, water retention & nitrogen leaching. Consider trialling this or replacing 1-2 fungicides. Note this property has had Magnify products for a number of years.

Magnify ‘magic’ 3 years after application

blankOur Production Manager Glenn is still amazed at the growth in a strip of our lawn that had the super concentrated dregs of a tote spill out onto it 3 years ago. It is still growing about 300% more grass with darker green colour. To get this concentration per hectare would cost about $10,000/ha so it’s not a practical thing to do on farm but it does clearly demonstrate the incredible power of Magnify on long term changes to grass growth.

Website -

The marketing company we used for re-branding advised us to ‘say it and show it’ rather than use brochures. So our website has many videos & client interviews. Many of you are keen to spread the word but it's a difficult subject to describe in one sentence, so the videos will hopefully fill in the gaps. There are improvements to make and my videos can always be improved. We have 3 more great client interviews/stories to create as soon as I can find time. The website is designed to attract a conversation rather than sell to people on the spot. I am definitely behind on where I hoped we would be by now with this marketing tool, but it is still receiving good comments as it is.

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We’d love to hear from you if you’d like to chat over how our new products can add more value to your farm.
Scott Hobson, Managing Director, Magnify NZ Ltd
0800 66 88 100

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0800 66 88 100
80 Bridge Road, RD 5
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