“I have a passion for animal health and you can’t achieve good animal health without good grass. I know all too well what it’s like to struggle to make ends meet in farming. Been there done that! My passion now is to guide as many farmers as will listen into a better future. I have seen the results of a number of Magnify products this last season -

Pastures growing an extra 20-30kg DM/ha per day, stock wanting to eat it as it tastes sweeter. Calves reared to great weights without issues. Lambs blooming with Magni-Lamb. Paddocks staying green through the dry. It’s all been exceptionally positive and it’s the way farming has to go. I only wish these products were available when I was younger.”
- Dave, Landcare NZ Ltd
Bonus offer - if you purchase 1000L Magni-Grow, we discount any quantity of Magni-Life at the '1000L price' ie $14.50L. Call us to order.

We are now a Farmlands Card Partner


Featured Products


A concentrated blend of microbes formulated to assist calf development, in particular, rumen and digestive tracts in the first 8 weeks.
Freight-on-farm price, gst excl

Dose rate :

770ml over 8 weeks
20L does 26 calves


Brilliant for increasing both weight gain and stock health, for both young and old. Rumen development and digestion is enhanced with life-long benefits. Really simple to use. Ideal for people who want the best from their stock without high cost.


Freight-on-farm-price, gst excl

Dose Rate :

3ml lambs, 10ml ewes/hoggets/rams Covers 6,666 lambs, 2,000 ewes

Only 4.2 cents/ml


Freight-on-farm price, gst excl

Dose rate :

3ml lambs, 10ml ewes/hoggets/rams Covers 3,333 lambs, 1000 ewes

only 4.9 cents/ml


Freight-on-farm price, gst excl

Dose rate :

3ml lambs, 10ml ewes/hoggets/rams Covers 1,666 lambs, 500 ewes

6.1 cents/ml



Has the same benefits as        Magni-Lamb, with the addition of Iodine, Zinz, copper, and Selenium.

Overdosing Selenium can be toxic if adding to other selenium sources. Check with your Vet.


Freight-on-farm-price, gst excl

Dose Rate :

3ml lambs, 10ml ewes/hoggets/rams Covers 6,666 lambs, 2,000 ewes

Only 4.7 cents/ml


Freight-on-farm price, gst excl

Dose rate :

3ml lambs, 10ml ewes/hoggets/rams Covers 3,333 lambs, 1000 ewes

only 5.45 cents/ml


Freight-on-farm price, gst excl

Dose rate :

3ml lambs, 10ml ewes/hoggets/rams Covers 1,666 lambs, 500 ewes

6.8 cents/ml


A fast-acting live product for immediate use to inoculate soil and stimulate growth. Magni-Life is the first step in creating soil that is high yielding, diseases suppressive, has strong roots, deep and warm, and has very high natural nitrogen fixation.


Freight-on-farm price, gst excl

Application rate :

2-3L/ha Coverage 333-500 ha

only $31.40-$45.60/ha


Freight-on-farm price, gst excl


Coverage 66-100 ha


A blend of enzymes and organic acids from soil microbes that promote plant growth and stronger regrowth. With consistent use of Magni-Grow, pastures regrow better and better to produce dense, sweet grass that stock find highly palatable.


Freight-on-farm price, gst excl


Application rate : 5-7L/ha Coverage 143 ha

only $69/ha


Freight-on-farm price, gst excl


Coverage 28 ha



Magnify Equine Supreme Anti-stress is a nutritional support for digestive health including coat & body condition, digestive & colon health, immunity & stress relief, appetites & joints, temperament & vitality, energy & well-being.

Aids optimum digestion and encourages maximum performance, which means happier & healthier animals. Ideal for both sports horses wanting added performance and for hacks.


Freight-on-farm price, gst excl



Dose Rate :

As per label recommendation


Freight-on-farm price, gst excl


Dose Rate :

As per label recommendation

Soil for life

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0800 66 88 100
80 Bridge Road, RD 5
Rangiora 7475
New Zealand
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