
Frequently Asked Questions

Who will control how you farm in the future?
You or the government?
Balance profitability + sustainability
with Magnify bio-stimulants.

What / How

“Never heard of you – what do you do?”

The reason you might not have heard of us up until now is partially that we’ve simply flown under the radar. But also, timing ... now more than ever there’s an appetite amongst farmers for help balancing profitability and sustainability. That’s what we specialise in so you’re bound to see us around more.

We make a range of natural liquid products that kickstart, boost and enhance soil biology to grow fantastic grass that animals 'can’t get enough of' ... encourage good gut health for better-performing lambs and calves … and simultaneously tackle those pesky agricultural environmental issues getting in the way of farming, so you can stay in control of how you farm.

“What do your products do?”

They make things grow better. You’ve done well with the chemical side of the wheel of life. Our products can now help you get the biological side of the wheel rolling. This makes things grow better.

Just like chemicals, it’s all about the right blend – too much of one thing or not enough of another and you’ve got a wonky wheel that doesn’t function well. We put the right balance of the right kinds of organisms into your soil, so it has exactly what it needs to create a nice round cycle that rolls along without issue … and can even gather speed!

Our soil health products kickstart, boost and enhance soil microbes to grow magnificent grass that animals 'can’t get enough of'. They simultaneously tackle those pesky agricultural environmental issues getting in the way of farming by improving your soil to a point where you’re not relying on chemicals as much. Our animal health products encourage good gut health in lambs and calves that maximise development.

Benefits of improved soil: consistently better yields, less disease, less impact from weather. And what’s even better, as your soil develops the ability to 'self-perpetuate', you’ll need less and less.

“How do the products work?

We use nature’s toolbox to improve soil, plant and animal health. There are millions of micro-organisms that can be good for us in one way or another. Penicillin was discovered in a type of mould, and plant endophytes are a type of fungus. You can't make good cheese or wine with the wrong organisms or not enough of the good ones.

That’s how our products work too – we optimise specific groups of beneficial organisms that stimulate and encourage growth. Our products are proven to be effective because they contain key organisms your soil is missing or can’t stimulate.

Our soil health products revive and stimulate soils to create a growing environment that is high-yielding and disease-suppressive, holds moisture better, has high nutrient solubility and availability + high nitrogen-fixing capacity. Better feed means better animals.

Our animal health products encourage good gut bacteria in lambs and calves - - by improving rumen and digestive systems you set the animals up for life-long better digestion and wellness. More efficient feeding means better overall health and performance.

Magnify products are not a 'one-off miracle’ because that’s not how nature works. 'Life breeds more life' and that takes a little time. One thing organisms do that chemicals can’t is replicate, so while chemical inputs are set and finite (and now have to be reduced, giving less results), our products get things started and then support nature in doing its thing – one organism becomes two, two become four, four become 16 and so on. Given a couple of years, compounding knock-on benefits become more frequent and significant season-upon-season. Soil is revived and stimulated to a point it can sustain itself and produce quality feed with significantly less chemical input … and improved digestion in animals reduces leaching.

“How do I use them?”

You’ve 'done good' with the chemical side of the wheel of life. Our products can now help you get the biological side of the wheel spinning and give your current inputs a boost.

Because they’re liquids, they’re easy to use in conjunction with your current inputs and during other routine seasonal activities. Apply through irrigators, spray conventionally or - in the case of animal supplements - administer orally. This integrated approach makes change simpler and less stressful.

Timing and application are key for best performance – we can advise on that. We’ll also help you measure and understand performance so you can be confident you’re getting value out of them.

For better pastures and feed quality, we recommend first dosing with Magni-Life, a fast-acting live product that immediately inoculates soil with organisms that stimulate growth and gets things started. Then continue with Magni-Grow to promote sustained strong regrowth of dense, sweet grass that stock find highly palatable.

Magni-Lamb can be used as an alternative or complementary to drenching as a comprehensive nutritional feed supplement that optimises digestive health and assists rumen performance.

Magni-Calf is a concentrated blend of microbes formulated to assist calf development, in particular, rumen and digestive tracts in the first eight weeks.

“How can I balance profitability now and sustainability long term?”

We’re not saying change is easy, but it can be simple. We’ve designed our products to be a practical and effective way to 'step-your-way-to-change' with minimal risk.

By getting the biological 'wheel of life' rolling in your soil, we can unlock nutrients already there and create a growing environment that needs less irrigation and chemical inputs, fixes nitrogen and leaches less, all while still remaining profitable.

Our products are economical and easy to use in conjunction with your current inputs to give them a healthy boost. And after more than 20 years of independent trials and farmer feedback, we’re confident they’ll help give you the short-term gains you need to invest in even better long-term improvements.


“Why are you called Magnify?”

Just like our name promises, given time our products offer compounding knock-on benefits that become more frequent and significant … workload, inputs and costs are reduced ... and outcomes are boosted as pasture and animal health gets better and better (in many different ways) the longer you use our products.

“If they’re so good, why isn’t everyone using them already?

Because up until now chemical inputs have been doing the trick so there wasn’t much appetite for doing it differently. Change takes time. Obviously now is a period of change as we know we can’t go on using chemicals the same way forever. We’re hearing from more and more farmers who want to know how else they can farm.

Also, people are 'creatures of habit' and farming is an industry tied together with a lot of relationships. Mates stick with mates; we tend to follow what everyone else does so we can be part of the pack. Add to that the relationships with various consultants and reps many of us have relied on to guide us in what products our farms needed. There’s trust, friendship and money on the line in shifting away from that, so it’s not easy.

However, we now know chemicals have got us into a sticky spot environmentally, and in the future they won’t be the go-to ‘fix all’ they once were.

“Why go ag-bio? ... why did Scott create these products?”

In Scott Hobson’s words - “There were several reasons … even prior to 2001 the science was clear that animals eating grass flushed with extra nitrogen fertiliser would create water quality issues. Every other country in the world that followed the nitrogen fert path, eventually had severe restrictions enforced on them. Most people saw only a choice between economics or the environment. I saw we could have both but we had to change the way we looked at things. As it turns out, I’ve been right.

I was a Lincoln Uni Ag Sci graduate trained in traditional nutrient thinking. I had measured over 40 grass trials comparing fine particle application with traditional fertiliser. I promoted Albrechts base saturation theories. I supported limeflour and sulphur on hill country, trace element use for animal health etc. Understanding how soil micro-organisms could work for us was the next step in my career. Farmers had increasing issues with animal health, profitability, disease pressure and fertiliser/nitrogen use which were ultimately not sustainable for the environment. I saw that ag-bio - - if done well - - could 'tick all the boxes'.”

“Why did you choose microbe-based products - not fish, seaweed or humates?”

I used humates with limeflour extensively prior to 2001 and found sporadic results. The plants responded so much stronger to our developing bacteria/fungal bases and for so much longer than any fish, seaweed or humate I had seen. I had measured positive, neutral and even negative results from other ag-bio systems. Many of these positive results tended to be ‘fluff’ in the first 3-5 weeks, then nothing more. My clients wanted the most profound benefits to develop stronger with time, in addition to short term gains. They wanted 'grass with guts', ahead of green fluff.

Another huge advantage I saw was that with microbe-based products we could apply every bacterial and fungal group needed to transform the whole soil system. It was clean and wouldn’t block spray jets. We selected organisms and created processes to make them tough enough to survive nearly anything nature could throw at them - which was unique.

Before going to market, I trialled many different methods of manufacturing microbe-based products including compost processes, aerobic and anaerobic systems. I trialled anything being touted by a soil microbiology professor. Nearly all of them had done no scientific studies or even field trials in this country, yet all of them had - in their own view - ‘superior theories’. Nothing much has changed. I settled on the best, most reliable processes. It’s easy to make something bubble and add a bunch of marketing words that sound like you know what you’re doing and sell it to folks lacking knowledge on the subject. Getting intense and reliable field results is very different.

With our products, we observed more soil changes in 10 weeks than we had in 12 months using limeflour/humate mixes. So I worked hard to get our microbe-based products powerful and reliable … altering manufacturing processes, lab testing, then field testing (with measuring along the way). A constant cycle of development, frustration and eventually exhilarating breakthroughs. We haven’t stopped this process. Our clients were behind us all the way.

“I already get great results from my current regime. Why do I need these if they’re not a replacement?”

We’ve been developing and refining our products for over 20 years. They’ve all been tested, trialled and proven on New Zealand farms in local conditions and stringently evaluated to ensure they do what we say they do.

Some of our products offer an almost instant boost in performance when used with current inputs, but we’ve also seen incredible results from our long-term customers. Some even say the knock-on benefits are so widespread and significant that increases in yield have become an added bonus. We’d be happy to put you in touch with them, or you can read our case studies on the website.

Rather than replace your current regime, our products can work in conjunction with your chemical inputs to get enhanced results with almost no extra effort. But this is just a short-term gain and doesn’t reflect the truly extraordinary performance you can achieve with long-term use. Given time, you’ll notice soil becomes healthier and able to stimulate growth itself, reducing your chemical and irrigation needs and costs. Of course, you could choose to make the switch right from the outset; we can help you manage this process for best results.

Common Questions/thoughts

“Sounds a bit like snake oil”

We understand. We’re making some bold claims, but we can back them up. All our products are stringently tested and trialled locally to ensure they work in NZ conditions. And to be fair, we don’t claim our products are a 'one-off miracle’ approach. While we’re confident you’ll see short-term benefits, we recommend continued use and time are best for the most significant improvements as your soil begins to 'self-perpetuate'. The easiest way to see it in action is to give it a go. We’ll help you get the timing and application right for best performance.

“Is it expensive?”

Is anything in farming cheap, really? In terms of price vs value, we are totally confident you get back far more than what you invest, if used correctly and for a reasonable length of time.

As an example, Magni-Grow - - when compared to Urea - - you get nearly twice as much dry matter for half the cost. Unlike Urea however, Magni-Grow produces grass 'stock really like'. Most of the time we don’t just match 80kg of Urea for cents/kg but we beat it by over 100% in the first 3 months. After three months of reasonable spring or autumn growth, the cost/returns are usually below 5c/kgDM.

The best thing about many of our products is the benefits compound over time. As soil becomes healthier, input costs and workloads are reduced … feed becomes more abundant and nutritious, reducing reliance on other supplements and buying in feed.

“People must be skeptical for a reason though, right? Such-n-such reckons …”

Let us stop you right there. Of course other people reckon our products are no good and they know better. In some cases, we’re taking your money away from other businesses and they’ll do anything to keep it. Other people just don’t like change. They think you’re mad for doing something different from them. Another thing, there’s also a little bit of ego at play, because if you get it right it means they’re wrong. They’re probably a bit envious of your success too.

It takes 'balls' to break away from the pack and do something different, let alone try something new. But we’re confident the brave will be rewarded with peace-of-mind for generations, thanks to land that regenerates and 'self-perpetuates'. Since Urea restrictions were proposed, acceptance of our products is rapidly changing.

“I’ve seen paddocks that have used Magnify and it was hard to see the growth.”

We always say, when it comes to pasture, 'thick is the trick', and both our clients and our 1985 Lincoln Uni Technical Budget Manual (pages 9-22) completely agree with us.

With so much info to process, how grass tastes and smells is understandably low on the list of priorities for farmers. But it’s one of the very few cares and needs your stock have so it’s worth considering.

Long grass is often full of water, lacking in quality nutrition, and animals don’t like it unless they’re hungry. Good pastures should be measured by density (ie more tillers and leaves) as this means there’s less dead grass in the bottom of the sward. It’s sweeter and stock eat it right down. In small trials the stock eat our Magnify pastures typically 300-600kg dry matter lower than untreated pastures. They save up their appetite for the sweetest pasture. This means you have to measure 'pre and post grazing' to get an accurate assessment in trial comparisons. Assuming there’s a 1500kg residual doesn’t cut it.

Our products increase energy levels in plants as well as growth rates to get more protein production from dry matter. Better feed conversion = more production, healthier stock, less urine patches and uneaten grass.

People are hard-wired for assessing grass from height and colour. We simply can’t see 16% versus 18% dry matter content nor a 5% change in pasture density, yet that represents an extra ~500kg high quality feed per grazing. It takes about 3-4 months to adjust your eye/brain calibration to the kind of superior grass that Magni-Life and Magni-Grow produce.

For farmers unfamiliar with pasture growth rates, extra growth of 10kgDM/day equals roughly two bales/ha/per month. An average balage weight is 150-180kg dry matter per/ha. So over 100ha at $60/bale - that’s a potential saving of $12,000/month.

“I’m sick of hearing about nitrate levels!

The pressure for change is frustrating and maybe a bit scary, no doubt. But it’s happening and choices will either be made by you - - or for you. We put the power back in your hands by getting nature working for you. Our products perform today while simultaneously addressing environmental challenges for tomorrow, to futureproof your farm and give you peace-of-mind for generations.

In 2001, scientists (Kebreb et al) clearly showed most nitrate leaching comes from too much nitrogen in the pasture. A drop in grass nitrogen from 4.5% to 2.8% plummets leaching by around 70%. A urine study proved Magni-Life and Magni-Grow dropped leaching by 67% while actually increasing grass growth. Farmers must get this or the only other way to reduce leaching to the same extent is reducing stock numbers 70% and who wants that to happen? Magnify products were created to solve these issues for you.

“All this bio-stuff sounds similar to me …”

Your point is valid. Soil and plant ecosystems are universal, so the broad descriptions are similar with a similar message - - BUT products are very different - - not all biological products are created equal.

The microbial world is complex. Many microbes produce quite different compounds depending on food type and environment. For example, brewers yeast can make really bad beer, but great red wine, breads, proteins and medical products that are nothing alike.

A soil product may quote the benefits of one organism - such as Pseudomonas bacteria - on root development but there are 199 different species of Pseudomonas, many of which are very undesirable.

There can be cheap, nasty-tasting home brew - or great chemical-free red wine, and only one is good for health. The results are the most important thing because your livelihood depends on it.

Our clients want reliability and choose us because we’ve done the hard graft to sort through the b...s... and intense confusion that surrounds the industry.
Soil for life

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0800 66 88 100
80 Bridge Road, RD 5
Rangiora 7475
New Zealand
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