
Seasonal  News

Nitrate reduction: Lysimeters showing reductions in nitrates after second season

In late March we set up ‘disturbed earth’ lysimeters on a very typical dairy property running 3.5cows/ha. They used 190kgN/ha plus our recommended Magnify programme for dairy. The disturbed earth lysimeters (after applying urine in early June) have had ‘joyfully’ small levels of nitrates in the drainage water after 2 seasons treatment. On 26 August they were 3.2mg/L NitrateN. We expect further reductions. Other lysimeter studies in this region have shown 9 -16mg/L in the same time frame urine application on dairy farms, which resulted in leached N of around 47kgN/yr in a wet season like this.

Drinking water standards for Nitrate-N is 11.3mg/L and the proposed target under the three waters scheme is 3 mg/L. The soils are Ruapuna which are shallow well-drained stoney silts with medium risk for nitrate leaching. Disturbed earth lysimeters give elevated readings until they settle, which can take years so we also set up an undisturbed small lysimeter on 24 August. This has had no urine.

Our first reading from Hills Lab is a puny 0.57mg/L (zero point five seven mg/L). Mind-blowingly low !! (3-10mg/L is normal). Our clients are breathing a sigh of relief that they have a solution to water quality that also gives very positive economic returns ! We’ve had a four-fold reduction between 1 & 2 years treatment.

Brand Change

Key point : We changed our name from Biohelp NZ to Magnify NZ and condensed our product range to create four superior products.

Overall we got through a very challenging business transition. We separated from our exclusive sales distributor of 20 years - and went through a branding change from Biohelp NZ to Magnify NZ. Creating new websites, brochures, labels etc was very time consuming. We had no access to our old distributor’s client database (they’ve since closed their doors) so we couldn't contact previous clients. Thank you so much to our long term clients who stuck with us last year. We've come through pretty well but know we weren’t able to make contact with all our Lambex clients.

We had too many products to market, so have reduced our products to 4. Microlife became Magni-Life. Magni-Grow was created by incorporating 3 Biohelp products - Terrazone, Solmn (marketed by our distributor) and CM3 original. We also added seaweed, humates and fulvic acid. Individually these products would cost $130/ha when added together. Now just $65/ha for the full 7L/ha rate. By enhancing the synergistic effects between products we have been able to take another quantum leap forward for your and hopefully our benefit.

Magni-Grow adds 700kg-1200kg in just 5 weeks (replicated field trial)

Story behind .... In late March we applied 7L Magni-Grow (through a single rosette nozzle) to different parts of our dryland Rangiora block, plus the neighbour’s irrigated pastures. After 5 weeks - and prior to grazing - we measured an extra 1200kg (6.5 bales of balage) where the water table was higher and red clover present. 700kg where there was new ryegrass/clover plantain and a higher water table. 700kg on my neighbour’s older pasture and 200-400kg where it was too dry to see any visual growth from anything. Regrowth advantage at 5 September after grazing was 459 kgDM/ha better (P < 0.0015) – an extra 2.5 bales of balage.

Current return on investment is 6 cents/kg which is exceptional given the growing conditions and time of the year. The best we had measured from our old Biohelp products in these situations was 500kg/ha over that time frame. The pastures were set grazed over Winter and shut up again in mid July. Stronger regrowth is evident across most of it at time of writing.

Download Spring 2022 Newsletter

We’d love to hear from you if you’d like to chat over how our new products can add more value to your farm.

Scott Hobson, Managing Director, Magnify NZ Ltd
0800 66 88 100

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0800 66 88 100
80 Bridge Road, RD 5
Rangiora 7475
New Zealand
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