profitability +


Innovation and courage

Innovative cropping farmers and contractors using both Magni-Life and Magni-Grow are having great success on lucerne, barley, red clover seed, balage and lamb fattening / dairy grazing.


Under a microscope it's evident that all the fertilisers, herbicides, fungicides, droughts etc have inadvertently killed most of the important microbes in our soil. To increase production and profitability while reducing chemical inputs requires the right kinds and balance of microbes in the soil, in much the same way as good wine, cheese, or animals require the same.

Knock - on benefits

.. for you. The world of soil microbiology is far from most farmers' thoughts, yet it provides the best solutions to pesky environmental issues - with production gains.

Grow better feed.

  • Kickstart and enhance soil life
  • Grow better quality feed and more of it
  • Unlock nutrients already there
  • Reduce chemical use
  • Better moisture retention
  • Natural pest and disease resistance
  • High Nitrogen fixation

Client Stories

John and Jacky Tanner added Magni-Life to their dairy operation. Due to consistently stronger grass growth, feed supplement was reduced, increasing farm profits around $500/ha in the first season plus an additional $400/ha in the second season.

The Lawtons have used Magni-Life as part of their cropping operation for 16 years. They have successfully reduced Nitrogen to 90kg N/ha while increasing yields to around 12-13 tons average. The soils are fixing over 150kg N/ha without clover. Soil structure has drastically improved and diseases like 'TakeAll' have been almost eliminated.
Soil for life

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0800 66 88 100
80 Bridge Road, RD 5
Rangiora 7475
New Zealand
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