"I'm sick of hearing about nitrate levels!"
The pressure for change is frustrating and maybe a bit scary, no doubt. But it’s happening and choices will either be made by you - or for you. We put the power back in your hands. Water quality and carbon emissions are part of NZ’s International Trade Commitments. The World Health Organisation has dropped the recommended nitrates in fresh water from 11.2 mgNO3N/L to 1 mgNO3N/L and pressure is building to reduce drinking water standards to this, due to cancer risk studies. This issue isn’t going to resolve itself and disappear, regardless of what the current government does. NZ is/was proposing 2.4 mgNO3N/L.
In 2022, Magnify proved it could reduce nitrate leaching by 90% in spite of full Urea usage. The nitrates in drainage water beneath Magnify-treated lysimeters were 91% lower than without Magnify. Nitrates dropped from 45 kgN/ha (15 mgNO3N/L) to 3 kgN/ha (1.2 mgNO3N/L). A ‘super DCD effect’ was evident. Production increased from 440-510 kgMS/cow and empty rates dropped from 24% to 11%. Farmers must ‘get this’ or the only other way to reduce leaching to the same extent is reducing stock numbers 90%. Magnify products were created to solve these issues for you, future-proof your farm and give peace-of-mind for generations.
Phosphorus is essential for all life and plant growth but that doesn’t mean we have to apply fertiliser to get it. Geologists tell us phosphate makes up about 1.5 % (0.5-4 % range) of the earth's crust which is 76 tons in the top
600 mm of soil. Based on NZ Greywacke analysis, the South Island has around 4-12 tons/P/metre of soil. Ten lambs per hectare going to the works at 40 kg/lamb is 2.2 kgP. 1500 kg milksolids per hectare removes 22 kgP.
Your Olsen P figure - multiplied by 1.5 - gives you the semi-available phosphorus for your pastures. Typically 30-50 kg/ha. To grow 15 ton dry matter/ha your plants will take up 45 kgP. Plants have to get this amount either through bagged fertiliser or from the soil's biological systems. NZ used to test soil phosphorus with a Truog test which included organic phosphorus but later moved to Olsen P which did not include organic phosphorus. Effectively this caused the amount of available phosphorus shown on a soil test to plummet.
Some soil microbes - Bacillus, Psuedomonas, Enterobacter, Aspergillus - produce enzymes that will unlock bound up phosphate. When supported, these bacteria can 'solubilise' upwards of 50 kgP/ha/yr. Fertiliser inputs can only be reduced safely by increasing the activity of phosphorus-solubilising bacteria. Magnify products target these essential bacteria and allow for fertiliser reductions safely. It is common for Olsen P to increase 2-6 points after 2-3 years, even if no fertiliser is applied in addition to Magnify's products.
Potassium is required for sugar production, enzymes, the formation of starch in plants and is essential for animals. However excesses in animals creates metabolic problems and poorer lamb growth rates, milk production, increased bearing ewes and death rates with no known cause. Potassium in plants has to be regulated for animals to thrive and that role is largely done by soil microbes.
Potassium has huge reserves in the soil (30-50 tons/ha in top 150 mm) but very little is solubilised for plants at any one time. It leaves the farm at similar levels to phosphorus. Bacillus, Psuedomonas, Enterobacter and Aspergillus bacteria produce potassium-solubilising enzymes and acids. Magni-Life either directly and/or indirectly helps regulate the uptake of potassium by pastures. Excess uptake is reduced and low levels are generally increased. Magnify products target these essential bacteria and allow for fertiliser reductions safely.
In terms of volume, sulphur is required (as much as phosphate) for plant/animal growth and health. In its natural form it is not soluble in water, does not leach and has to be converted into water-soluble forms plants can utilise. Water-soluble sulphates are what is measured on most soil tests and is highly leachable. In natural systems the conversion from insoluble sulphur to soluble sulphates is a just-in-time system. Leaching of sulphur would lead to the death of the ecosystem. In a natural system, water-soluble sulphates should be low in soil tests but adequate in the plant. Fertiliser companies and universities have mostly convinced the world otherwise. Magnify has dairying clients who have not applied any sulphur fertiliser for 20 years and production hasn't dropped at all. The natural systems are working properly. Most industrial sulphur comes from reducing waste from natural gas and oil production.
Some soil microbes - Bacillus, Psuedomonas, Enterobacter, Aspergillus - produce enzymes that will unlock bound minerals like calcium, magnesium and trace minerals. Over the years, we have commonly observed a balancing of trace elements in the pasture. There are about 800-1200 kg/ha of all the trace elements in soil reserves just waiting for soil microbes to solubilise them for plants. Losses through production are small eg 1600 kgMS/ha contains about 1-3 gm copper, 62 gm zinc, 1 gm manganese. Herbage tests indicate the levels of uptake.
Plant growth-promoting bacteria
As plant roots grow through the soil they collect bacteria and fungi on their roots in an area called the rhyzosphere. Some soil microbes - Bacillus, Psuedomonas, Enterobacter, Aspergillus - produce substances that actually enhance plant growth. Theses biochemical substances are quite varied in nature and include hormones that influence the way cells multiply and grow - indole acetic acid, cytokynins, auxins, gibberllins, plus organic acids such as humic, fulvic, acetic, malic, propionic acid - and vitamins, to name a few. In addition, roots have very short lives unless they have the right kinds of soil microbes to help them resist pathogens and thrive. Soil microbes even influence the flavour of plants, plus the sugar and protein content. Recent science studies have shown that some psuedomonas species (that Magnify targets) increase the anti-cancer properties of the plants in the study. Magnify NZ is all for reducing cancer rates.
Magnify supports the growth-enhancing, root-protecting soil microbes giving stronger growth and more roots for better water and nutrient utilisation. Better stock health and huge reductions in Urine nitrogen/leaching are part of the benefits. Carbon emissions are reduced through lowering nitrous oxide emissions, most of which come from urine nitrogen outputs. Within 12 months these essential environmental advantages are taking effect.
After 2 seasons and in spite of 190 kgN fertiliser per hectare, lysimeters are showing 89% less nitrate in the water from Magnify treatment.
Is anything in farming cheap, really? In terms of price vs value, we are totally confident you get back far more than what you invest, if used correctly and for a reasonable length of time. Historic feedback from clients tells us a normal cropping farm and/or dairy farm has an extra $500-1500/ha to be made from using Magnify either in place of - or in conjunction with - existing inputs.
As an example, Magni-Grow after three months of reasonable Spring or Autumn growth, the cost/returns are usually below 5 cents/kgDM.
The best thing about many of our products is the benefits compound over time. As soil becomes healthier, input costs and workloads are reduced … feed becomes more abundant and nutritious, reducing reliance on other supplements and buying in feed.
“People must be sceptical for a reason though, right?”
Let us stop you right there. Of course other people reckon our products are no good and they know better. In some cases, we’re taking your money away from other businesses and they’ll do anything to keep it. Other people just don’t like change. They think you’re mad for doing something different from them. Another thing, there’s also a little bit of ego at play, because if you get it right it means they’re wrong. They’re probably a bit envious of your success too.
It takes 'balls' to break away from the pack and do something different, let alone try something new. But we’re confident the brave will be rewarded with peace-of-mind for generations, thanks to land that regenerates and 'self-perpetuates'. Since Urea restrictions were proposed, acceptance of our products is rapidly changing.
“I’ve seen paddocks that have used Magnify and it was hard to see the growth.”
We always say, when it comes to pasture, 'thick is the trick', and both our clients and our 1985 Lincoln Uni Technical Budget Manual (pages 9-22) completely agree with us.
With so much info to process, how grass tastes and smells is understandably low on the list of priorities for farmers. But it’s one of the very few cares and needs your stock have so it’s worth considering.
Long grass is often full of water, lacking in quality nutrition, and animals don’t like it unless they’re hungry. Good pastures should be measured by density (ie more tillers and leaves) as this means there’s less dead grass in the bottom of the sward. It’s sweeter and stock eat it right down. In small trials the stock eat our Magnify pastures typically 300-600kg dry matter lower than untreated pastures. They save up their appetite for the sweetest pasture. This means you have to measure 'pre and post grazing' to get an accurate assessment in trial comparisons. Assuming there’s a 1500kg residual doesn’t cut it.
Our products increase energy levels in plants as well as growth rates to get more protein production from dry matter. Better feed conversion = more production, healthier stock, less urine patches and uneaten grass.
People are hard-wired for assessing grass from height and colour. We simply can’t see 16% versus 18% dry matter content nor a 5% change in pasture density, yet that represents an extra ~500kg high quality feed per grazing. It takes about 3-4 months to adjust your eye/brain calibration to the kind of superior grass that Magni-Life and Magni-Grow produce.
For farmers unfamiliar with pasture growth rates, extra growth of 10kgDM/day equals roughly two bales/ha/per month. An average balage weight is 150-180kg dry matter per/ha. So over 100ha at $60/bale - that’s a potential saving of $12,000/month.
“All this bio-stuff sounds similar to me”
Your point is valid. Soil and plant ecosystems are universal, so the broad descriptions are similar with a similar message - - BUT products are very different - - not all biological products are created equal.
The microbial world is complex. Many microbes produce quite different compounds depending on food type and environment. For example, brewers yeast can make really bad beer, but great red wine, breads, proteins and medical products that are nothing alike.
A soil product may quote the benefits of one organism - such as Pseudomonas bacteria - on root development but there are 199 different species of Pseudomonas, many of which are very undesirable.
There can be cheap, nasty-tasting home brew - or great chemical-free red wine, and only one is good for health. The results are the most important thing because your livelihood depends on it.
Our clients want reliability and choose us because we’ve done the hard graft to sort through the b...s... and intense confusion that surrounds the industry.
I reckon I can fix it better!
Most men deny having ‘I can fix it better’ syndrome. But I hate to tell you, it’s in our DNA! Just ask your wife or partner. So for all men who can’t contain their ‘I can fix it better’ impulse, these tips might help you when things don’t go as you expect. International markets have changed so much that the future of NZ’s international agricultural trade is dependent on you reducing your environmental footprint successfully. We all need you to succeed. Magnify NZ also wants you to increase profits which typically means growing more grass for less cost. Increasing soil life is essential but it must be balanced. If you’re going to mix different products together (which you will) then you’ve got to know what you’re doing.
Magnify products are designed to reduce leaching and nitrous oxide by slowing down the transfer of ammonium to nitrates (like dcd’s did), leaving very little excess that can be leached (while increasing pasture growth). There are only a few organisms that can make fertiliser nitrogen into plant-available nitrates and they determine the pace of daily transfer-of-nitrates which other micro-organisms and plant growth depend on. Soil microbes get first bite at the nutrients in the soil. As you increase the soil life, they absorb nitrogen that the plants could have utilised. The difference between ‘poor soil life’ and ‘great soil life’ is measured in tons per hectare. Even a small increase in soil biomass, eg 200 kg/ha, absorbs roughly 600gm of nitrogen from the plant-available pool. Bacterial growth is exponential so the nitrogen absorption can increase rapidly, eventually reducing pasture growth. A ‘forwards and backwards’ scenario occurs. The first 5-6 weeks can look fine, but after this plant growth can slow down below base line levels.
You might apply nitrogen on a monthly basis but it’s important to understand that it’s converted to plant-available nitrates on a daily basis - a little per day. For example, to grow 50 kgDM/ha requires around 2 kg nitrogen to be transferred per day. There is very little leaching in Spring because plants will absorb nearly all of that and more. There is little excess nitrogen on a daily basis. If you increase the overall soil microbial life faster than nitrogen transfer bacteria can keep up, you risk slowing pasture growth down because the microbial growth is taking nitrogen from the plant-available pool. In your enthusiasm to maximise soil life you unintentionally overstimulate the soil life beyond what the nitrogen transfer system can keep up with. ‘I can fix it better than Magnify’ may not work out how you hoped.
There is another issue that often arises with replacing solid nitrogen with liquid nitrogen. After sport ‘where the food is, the people are’. So too with plants - roots go to food first and water second. If all the food is placed in the top of the soil then the plant roots may stay at the top, leading to compaction, poorer water utilisation, increased leaching and poorer growth. It typically takes 3 years for this issue to show up. So keep an eye on it if you’ve converted to liquid nitrogen.
Magnify products have 21 years of research, testing and development behind them for NZ soils and climate. We know what works safely. They’re exceptional at increasing soil life in a balanced, progressive manner, but you can unintentionally interfere with that. Best to ask us first - phone 0800 66 88 100.
Understandably so. We mostly hear about the negative bacteria so this creates generic fear and scepticism. Humans have been benefiting for thousands of years from microbes in cheese, butter, yoghurt, sauerkraut, bread, fermented meat and blubber, vinegar, soy, beer, wine, whisky (and all other ‘medicinal drinks’) - and in recent times - vitamin C. The most powerful healing substances are antibiotics and they are mostly derived from soil fungi. So if you enjoy any of those, then let your land and water enjoy Magnify’s beneficial soil micro-organisms ... it’s a good thing. Your land will feel as grateful and relieved as you do after a long hard week in hot weather slurping down an ice-cold beer ... praise the yeasts!