Trial Data

We love nature but emotions don't pay Farmers bills or solve sustainability issues. We've been doing trial work for over 20 years to get to the facts!

Magnify bio-stimulants
get nature working for you

Amplifying nitrogen transfer from the air to the plant is part of magnifying plant growth and allowing for reductions in nitrogen inputs. Different soil microbes do this job for you.
2016 Mr Stan Winter - a fertiliser scientist with 50 years' experience - independently measured 5 field trial sites in Northern Southland over 4 months. All were successful. Comparing even the smallest response in this study you would have to apply 220kg Urea/ha costing $180/ha to get an equivalent response. Based on a 10:1 response ($850/ton).

Magnify bio-stimulants
get nature working for you

Magni-Grow - when compared to Urea - gets nearly twice as much dry matter for half the cost.

Unlike Urea however, Magni-Grow produces grass that stock really like.

Magni-Grow gets grass responding quickly & is even better long term

Urea has been the preferred growth stimulant for many farmers for decades, however change is required. Magni-Grow is more capable both short term and even better long term.

These are typical examples when the weather is good and soils are relatively fertile. All bio-stimulants require an adequate nitrogen source from the soil. Some of these properties were marginal, so we added just 4kg N/ha with the Magni-Grow. The first 2 trials are against 2 different liquid fertilisers. Based on measured results of over 100 field comparisons, Magni-Grow with 4kg N added gave better results 95% of the time over 4-8 weeks and 99.5% of the time over 4 months - with an extra 10-20 kg DM/day 'regrowth advantage'. In our studies, Urea has typically yielded a 10 : 1 (range 7-12 : 1) response over 8 weeks for every kg of N applied when the weather and soil fertility are good. Half that when conditions are colder or drier. Note : with repeated application, the knock-on benefits multiply and the soil's nitrogen fixation process increases dramatically.

Independent study throughout a drought

“You can’t stop dry weather but you can influence how much it hurts …”

These trials were amazing. Just 4 inches of rain fell over 12 months in areas that normally get 40 inches. These 4 represent the 7 sites fairly. At times we had to wait 6-12 months after application to get enough rain to allow grass to grow. You can't stop dry weather but you can prepare your land better.

Magnify bio-stimulants give you the power to control how you farm

Balance Profitability + Sustainability
Magni-Life & Magni-Grow are superb together. The Mehrtens are proactively looking for answers to balance profitability and sustainability. Progress was being made using another bio-product and they had reduced N inputs from 250kgN to 150kgN/ha/yr.

With around 360ha under dairy, they purchased 142ha worth to give it a proper trial area. After 2 months Magni-Life and Magni-Grow were typically ahead by 20-30kgDM/day. The cows loved it and grazed it to 900-1200kgDM compared to 1500-1700 on untreated paddocks.

Similar responses were recorded on 2 other dairy farms in the Canterbury region.

The products were applied in late November and we started measuring in February 2021. A base of 75kgN/ha had already been applied throughout Spring, followed by a further 50kg over the next 4 months.

Magnify products were considerably cheaper and contained no nutrients. The return on investment was around 5 cents/kg.

By increasing grass growth they will have more power to choose how they farm in future. For example, they can now reduce supplements and focus on debt reduction over the next 7 years. They can also lower nitrogen inputs to reduce leaching beyond ECAN and Government targets.

Soil for life

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Rangiora 7475
New Zealand
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