Soil Biology

Balancing profitability + sustainability
must include a primary focus
on soil micro-biology.

Enjoy these short videos!

Balancing Microbes Matters

NZ soils contain 10 million different bacteria and 1 million different fungi. Balancing the different groups of microbes that can prosper from each other is essential for 'bringing to life' the full spectrum of benefits - you have to get the combination right!


Leaching can be solved without stock reductions.

Nitrogen in urine is the biggest problem in leaching. This can be solved by reducing pasture nitrogen.

Soil Microbes

What is the role of microbes in the soil?

Collectively, soil microorganisms play an essential role in productivity - decomposing organic matter, cycling nutrients and fertilising the soil.

Nitrogen Fixing

How to replace Nitrogen fertiliser.

Different soil microbes can transfer enough Nitrogen from the air to replace fertiliser Nitrogen, if they are supported fully.

Roots and Shoots

Plant roots and shoots are influenced by soil microbes. Soil microbes form small colonies within the soil. As the roots grow, they pass through these different colonies picking up different bacteria and fungi as they grow. Some microbes around the roots release their own bio-chemicals which influences the way the plant grows and tastes.

Check out our 'virtual field day' on how to reduce exposure to fertiliser prices & supply issues.


Grow better feed.

  • The EU has pre-warned us to the use of nitrogen and phosphates

  • Magnify pre-arms us with the right products

  • Are you pre-pared?
Find Out More
Note :
These videos are intentionally simplified explanations of soil biological processes, based on 25 years of field trials and practical situations we have observed. They express our 'seasoned opinions' in everyday language for farmers.
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