Challengers ...
Twenty years ago a stressed, tired mother of 3 challenged us to make a product to save her time in the calf rearing shed. Magni-Calf was born and it saved her 1-2 hours per day and calves very rarely needed extra time or effort. Vanessa remained a champion, rearing great Holsteins for a further 17 years. Magni-Calf supported her well.
You give them the food and Magni-Calf helps them process it - growth and strength to better ward off the effects of merciless diseases. It is very much good guys vs bad guys and the strongest team wins. Magni-Calf’s concentrated ‘micro-warriors’ tip the fight in your favour.
Vanessa’s request was a bigger challenge than it may seem. All probiotics are not made equal. European studies confirmed very few probiotics were effective, due to manufacturing processes. We’re very proud that even 20 years ago we had the right processes to produce highly effective probiotics.
Magni-Calf contains many familiar microbes like Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces and less familiar microbes - Trichoderma and Aspergillis – all used to make products for the food and medical industries.